SRM Public School Students Win Junior National Championship at World Robotics Olympiad

SRM Public School students Jhanavarshan N and Saransh Singhania R have made their mark by winning the junior national championship at the World Robotics Olympiad. Competing against 206 teams, they emerged as champions in the junior category. Their award-winning project focused on harnessing wind power and leveraging technology to create an automatic shipping guide, emphasizing sustainability and efficiency. Let's delve into their inspiring journey to the grand finale in Panama City.

SRM Public School's Remarkable Victory

Discover the incredible achievement of SRM Public School students at the World Robotics Olympiad

SRM Public School has made headlines with their outstanding performance at the World Robotics Olympiad. Students Jhanavarshan N and Saransh Singhania R have emerged as champions in the junior category, showcasing their exceptional talent and dedication.

Their victory is a testament to the school's commitment to nurturing young minds in the field of robotics. Let's delve into their inspiring journey and the project that earned them this prestigious title.

The Award-Winning Project: Harnessing Wind Power

Explore the innovative project that secured SRM Public School's victory

The award-winning project by Jhanavarshan N and Saransh Singhania R focused on harnessing wind power and leveraging technology to create an automatic shipping guide. This project not only showcased their technical skills but also emphasized the importance of sustainability and efficiency in the shipping industry.

By harnessing wind power, the students aimed to reduce the reliance on traditional energy sources and promote eco-friendly practices. Their innovative solution showcased their ability to think outside the box and address real-world challenges.

The Journey to the Grand Finale in Panama City

Follow the exciting journey of SRM Public School students to the grand finale

After their victory in the junior category, Jhanavarshan N and Saransh Singhania R earned the opportunity to participate in the grand finale of the World Robotics Olympiad in Panama City. This international event brings together the brightest young minds in robotics from around the world.

The students are thrilled to represent their school and showcase their project on a global platform. They have been working tirelessly to refine their project and are eager to learn from other participants and experts in the field.

With their passion, dedication, and innovative thinking, Jhanavarshan N and Saransh Singhania R are ready to make their mark at the grand finale and inspire others with their remarkable achievements.


SRM Public School students, Jhanavarshan N and Saransh Singhania R, have showcased their exceptional talent and dedication by winning the junior national championship at the World Robotics Olympiad. Their award-winning project, focused on harnessing wind power and promoting sustainability in the shipping industry, highlights their innovative thinking and technical skills.

As they prepare for the grand finale in Panama City, these young innovators are ready to make their mark on a global platform. Their inspiring journey serves as a reminder of the immense potential of young minds in shaping the future of robotics and technology.

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